Contact Us
For general enquiries, please email
For information about the tennis club, court bookings, registration and fee payment use the appropriate tabs in this website.
For more information on competitions, please contact the following people:
Saturday Juniors (Baw Baw Tennis Association), Luke 0408 567 087
Saturdays Seniors (Riverside Tennis Association), Colin 0438 507 849
Midweek Ladies - Thursdays, Carolyn 5633 2279
Night Tennis - Wednesday Nights, Elissa 0401 382 571
For comittee matters, please contact the following people:
President: Colin 0438 507 849
Vice President: Luke 0408 567 087
Secretary: Sue 0428 673 413
Treasurer: Elissa 0401 382 571
For coaching needs, please contact:
Glen on 0408762679 or
Sally on 0403282630
Where to find us
The courts are located along Contingent Street (at McGregor Park). 500m south of the Princes Hwy.
Written correspondence can be addressed to:
Trafalgar Tennis Club
PO Box 400
Trafalgar VIC 3824
Trafalgar Tennis Club
McGregor Park, Contingent Street Trafalgar Victoria 3824