
  • Membership - Alison and Michelle Zeitlhofer 041 590 4219 or email
  • Night tennis - Christine Hill - 043 297 1970


The Committee for the Torrens Tennis Club is as follows:

  • President - Barry Foley - 041 399 9864
  • Vice President - Olivier Camus - 041 867 9775
  • Treasurer - Linda Elliott - 043 030 3064
  • Secretary - Rasalinkam Seeniyar - 043 355 4054
  • Membership Secretary - Alison and Michelle Zeitlhofer - 041 590 4219 
  • Night Hire Member - Christine Hill - 043 297 1970
  • Works Member/Public Officer - Barry Foley - 6286 4948
  • Committee Members - Juan Caranguian - 045 092 3644 and Gloria Kuhn 040 645 2252