Find out about fixtures & social tennis

Senior Fixtures

Senior Fixtures are played on two nights.


Wednesday night fixtures is our club fixture night.

We cater for shift workers as we understand that this is a significant proportion of population in Boyne Tannum.

Players nominate for fixtures at the start of each season (see News and Events for the current seasons).

The fixture coordinators select teams of equal ability.

The format of play is three sets of doubles.


Monday Nights is Fast4 tennis.

The format of play is three Fast4 sets with at least one game of singles depending on the number of players.

Players advise their availability each week to the Fast4 fixture coordinator who then organises the teams for the night.


Social Tennis

Social tennis is usually conduct on Friday morning and at various times on the weekends.

Social tennis is a great way to get to know everyone from beginner to professional. We generally mix together for a minimum of 3 sets so everyone enjoys themselves.

Social tennis is free for members and $5 for non members.

Please refer to our Facebook page for the current social events and times.