The Kiewa & Talgarno District Tennis Association includes the following clubs, and more from time to time:

  • Allans Flat​

  • Dederang

  • Georges Creek

  • Granya

  • Gundowring North

  • Kiewa

  • Mt Beauty

  • Tallangatta

  • Talgarno

  • Tallandoon

  • Tangambalanga

  • Upper Gundowring

  • Yackandandah. 


Section 1 and 2 are our senior competitions and Section 3 and 4 are our junior competitions.

Section 1 and 2 play on Saturday afternoons starting at 1pm in the rounds prior to Christmas and Friday nights 7pm sharp in the rounds after Christmas. Section 3 and 4 play on Saturday mornings at 9am. Registration fees for Section 1 and 2 teams are $70 per team and $50 per Section 3 or 4 team. 


Several clubs have inter-club competitions on other days of the week. If interested in these competitions, please contact clubs.

The Association welcomes new players to teams and new teams to the competition. The current executive of the Association is:

President  Sharon McKimmie 0428195990
Secretary Jordan Peters 0419715654
Treasurer Rebecca Stamp 0437253334