Strathmore Tennis Club - Terms and Conditions of membership

Membership of the Strathmore Tennis Club is offered on the following terms and conditions:

Tennis Purposes Only

The tennis courts at the venue are only to be used for the purpose of recreational tennis. Professional coaching on the tennis courts may not take place, other than by the club coach and by approved persons, who have the prior written agreement of the Club. You are not permitted to use the tennis courts at the venue for any activity other than recreational tennis without prior written agreement of the Club.


It is a condition that users of the tennis courts undertake to use the facilities in a safe and cautious manner at all times.

Risk Warning

You acknowledge that by using the tennis courts you will be exposed to certain risks, including the risk of physical injury, and that use of the tennis courts is entirely at your own risk. You have voluntarily read and understood this risk warning and accept and assume the inherent risks in use of the tennis courts.


To the fullest extent permitted by law, you agree to release and discharge the Club and its directors, officers, employees, volunteers and agents from all liability in respect of any loss or damage you may suffer from use of the tennis courts.

Registration with Tennis Australia

The Club uses a number of tools provided by Tennis Australia for its administration. We require that members register with Tennis Australia so that these tools can be used. 

Club Rules

Members must obey the Club Rules, which are contained in Club By Laws and the General Rules. General Rules are displayed on court fencing and on clubhouse notice boards.

Court Care

Members are required to take care of the courts. In particular, the en tous cas courts must be watered thoroughly before and after play and must be bagged and watered fence line to fence line, with particular attention to the area behind the baseline after each set.

Play is not permitted on any court if water is pooling or the playing area is soft or slippery due to rain or wind.

Behaviour and Dress

Misbehaviour, bad language, racquet or equipment abuse will not be tolerated.  Vandalism or theft will result in instant expulsion. Members are encouraged to report any acts of misconduct.

Suitable tennis attire is required for all competition play. Suitable tennis shoes must always be worn. (no heels, ripple or stipple soles).

Player Etiquette

Please take all your rubbish with you and leave the tennis courts and facilities tidy for the next players to use and enjoy. The club rooms must be left clean and tidy after use – glasses, crockery and utensils washed and stored in cupboards and any mess cleaned up and rubbish disposed of. Early morning and late evening players please be mindful of the local residents who live nearby. Try to keep noise on the court to a minimum.

Smoking is not permitted within the venue, including on the tennis courts.


Members may bring a visitor to the club on four occasions before that person will be required to become a member of the club.

Court Allocation

Courts are allocated for competition, social, team practice and coaching. Except during finals, club championships and special events, play is permitted during competition times, provided a court is available.

Bookings can be made through an on-line “book-a-court” system and a link to the system is available through the club website.


Gates are to be shut after entering and leaving the courts except during times of competition and coaching.

The last person leaving the facilities must ensure that the lights, fans and heater etc are turned off in the clubrooms, and that the clubrooms and both gates are locked.

Keys to the clubrooms are available on application to the committee and payment of a key deposit.

Competition Play

Members are invited to register for selection in teams for competition.  Senior teams play Tuesday to Thursday nights and on Saturdays. Junior competition plays on Friday night and Saturday morning.

Cancellation of membership

Members found not to be abiding by these Terms and Conditions may be warned and, in serious or repeated breaches, may face cancellation of membership. This will be entirely at the discretion of the Club Committee.