Social Tennis


Over Winter, Thursday Night Social Tennis will be run on the second and fourth Thursday each month, during school terms, instead of every week.

Social Tennis will be on at 7pm on these dates

  • 9 May
  • 23 May
  • 13 June
  • 27 June
  • (11 July – School Holidays – No Social Tennis)
  • 25 July
  • 8 August
  • 22 August
  • 12 September
  • (26 September – School Holidays – No Social Tennis)

Come along for some informal practice and match play.

All club members and friends are welcome, whatever your age or ability.
It’s all about having fun and a bit of friendly competition.

If you are thinking you might like to join a team and play in Night, Mid-
week Ladies or Saturday afternoon competitions, then Social Tennis is a
great place to start and hone your skills.

There is no charge for Social Tennis, and we have some spare racquets you can borrow if necessary.
For more information, email 

or contact Melissa on 0409 367 867 or Alex on 0409 448 748