
The Seymour Tennis Complex welcomes new members. The following member categories are provided:


Adult member - $70 annual fee. This entitles the member to participate in all competions and to have full use of the courts at any time.

Concessional Adult member - $50 annual fee. This is available to pensioners and full time students and provides the same benefits as adult membership.

Junior member - $50 annual fee. Is available to players under the age of 18.

Social membership - $70 annual fee. This membership category is offered to casual users. It allows the social member, and his/her tennis partner, to use the courts at any time other than when there is a competition occurring.


Membership runs from 1 October to 30 September each year. Players involved in regular organised competitions are required to pay a separate competion fee.  These are typically $25 for a junior competition and $50 for a senior competition.

For further information contact Bruce on 0428 998 470.



Junior Membership 2024/2025

01/10/2024 - 30/09/2025

Junior Membership

Join now

Senior/Adult Membership 2024/2025

01/10/2024 - 30/09/2025

Senior/ Adult Membership for 2024/25

Eligibility: All non-concession adults playing competition

Join now