Summer tennis is almost here.....

Ready for tennis?….a new summer pennant season is just around the corner.
Team selection will commence early in September with teams to be finalised before the end of the current school term in September - the season starts in October All existing and new members are asked to indicate their interest in playing the next season by completing this Google Form and submitting it. (Please note: if you already received an email from Coach Jason on Friday about the next tennis season, you do not have to complete this form again. You only need to complete the form once).
Kurt Best - email or phone 0409 962 104 or Coach Jason Yap or phone 0403 082 388. |
If you are interested at any time in joining our Junior league then please contact ;
Kurt Best
Phone: 0409 962 104
Summer Pennant is played within the Wellington Gippsland Tennis Association Competition.