Dan Donnelly Tennis

Dan Donnelly
Dan is the head tennis coach and is accredited through Tennis Australia.
Dan offers coaching across all levels from beginners - including ‘peewee’ tennis for young children - through to intermediate players and sessions are conducted both for individuals on a one on one basis or in group sessions.
Regular sessions are scheduled in line with School terms, while holiday programs, specialist clinics and squad and team training are conducted at varying periods during the year.
Dan's programs are as follows:
- Adult Group and Private lessons
- Junior Group and Private Lessons
- Junior Squads
- Tennis Clinics
- Pee Wee Tennis for 5 - 7 yr olds
- M.L.C Hot Shots (formerly known as Aviva Hotshots)
- School Holiday Tennis Clinic
For further information please phone 0408991700
or visit the following website: - www.dandonnellytennis.com