
Adult Group Lessons Term 1 in 2022 - beginners welcome!

Term 1 next year brings an exciting opportunity for that undiscovered tennis talent in your family!! Enough of sitting on the sideline watching the kids play - its time for you to shine!! 


RHTC together with the McDonald School of Tennis (Matt)  will be running a short series of small group adult tennis lessons (4 pupils max) for adult players of any ability.  Beginners (emerging talent) are most welcome and encouraged. This is a great chance to develop some tennis skills or refresh your game in a fun and supportive class, with one of the best coaches around. 


Classes will be held on Saturday evenings from 6 pm till 7 pm 

Course Dates (dates are fixed): 

5, 12, 19 and 26 February 2022

5, 19 March 2022

Cost: $175

Tickets can be bought on Eventbrite via this link and will sell fast, so get in quick.

Please add your name to the wait list if tickets have sold out in case of vacancy, and to help us plan forwards.