Member Assistance
We are a small club, but growing in numbers. Nevertheless, we rely heavily on members volunteering to help keep our club going, either for specific jobs – like cleaning the club house or organising a bbq – or by helping us to take day-to-day care of our fantastic facilities. We cannot afford staff!
Below is a list of things in which we would ask your assistance:
- Renew your membership annually and ensure that you keep your contact details up to date with the Secretary
- Return your court and clubhouse keys promptly if you decide not to renew membership
- Fill out the player or court hire sheet and deposit your money in the “tin” or “slot” prior to start of play
- Keep the club house and surrounds neat and tidy (put rubbish in the bin, don’t walk inside with dirty feet after rain, wash up cups/glasses after use, and hang up tea towels)
- Take an active interest in the Club’s security
- Top up the water jugs kept in the fridge for your convenience
- Retrieve any balls hit out of the courts personally or by asking a passer-by.
When you finish a session:
- Collect the balls and return them to the proper locker and lock it
- Lock the courts
- Check to ensure that the toilet lights are turned off and the door locked
- Ensure that the money “tin” has been emptied into a resealable bag and put in the slot with the completed attendance sheet
- Tidy the counter (edibles into cupboard or fridge) and secure the drop down shutter
- Check to ensure that the club house lights are off, the kitchen tidy, the refrigerator door shut
- Ensure all chairs and any lost property are put inside the club house
- Lock the club house – front and back doors
- Lock the pathway entry gate
- Go home to a hot shower and cold drink!
- Report any damages or problems to a committee member. Or phone 0401146451