
The Club is administered by unpaid volunteers.  Members are therefore requested to play their part in keeping the facilities clean, locking up when they leave, and assisting at the occasional working bee.

Below is a list of things in which we would ask your assistance:

  • Fill out the player or hire sheet and deposit your money in the “tin” or “slot” prior to start of play
  • Keep the club house and surrounds neat and tidy (put rubbish in the bin, don’t walk inside with dirty feet after rain, wash up cups/glasses after use, hang up tea towels)
  • Take an active interest in the Club’s security
  • Top up the water jugs kept in the fridge for your convenience
  • Retrieve any balls hit out of the courts personally or by asking a passerby

When you finish a session:

  • Collect the balls and return them to the proper locker and lock it
  • Lock the courts
  • Check to ensure that the toilet lights are turned off and the door locked
  • Ensure that the money “tin” has been emptied into a resealable bag and put in the slot with the completed attendance sheet
  • Tidy the counter (edibles into cupboard or fridge) and secure the drop down shutter
  • Check to ensure that the club house lights are off, the kitchen tidy, the refrigerator door shut
  • Ensure all chairs and any lost property are put inside the club house
  • Lock the club house – front and back doors
  • Lock the pathway entry gate
  • Go home to a hot shower and cold drink!
  • Report any damages or problems to a committee member