
Club Championships - Entries are now closed

The annual NBTC Club Championships are coming up!

We’ll be holding singles and doubles events for 14&U Juniors, 18&U Juniors, and Open ages. Below are the dates and times for each event. Juniors may enter up to 3 singles events (14s, 18s and open) and up to 3 doubles events (1 x junior, 1 x open, 1 x open mixed).

Entry is free for 14s events and $5 per event per player for all other events.

๐ŸŽพ U14 Singles - 14th March 7pm
๐ŸŽพ U18 Singles - 21st March 7pm
๐ŸŽพ U14 & U18 Doubles - 28th March 7pm
๐ŸŽพ Open Singles - 16th March 1pm
๐ŸŽพ Open Doubles - 23rd March 1pm
๐ŸŽพ Open Mixed Doubles - 22nd March 7pm
๐ŸŽพ All Finals - 30th March 11am

Entries close 9th of March 11:59pm! All entries must be made online.

Click here for entries:

For any questions please contact