
Our membership fee Is payable on the 1st of January each year. New members only joining after 1st July are required to pay only half of the annual membership fee.


Club Rules

  • FOOTWEAR: It is most essential that correct tennis shoes are worn. Ripple sole runners are not suitable for tennis courts, particularly the en-tout-cas surface.
  • KEYS: Keys are on a Council security system and held by committee members only. It is the responsibility of whoever borrows the key to return it to the person he/she obtained it from. He/she must not pass the key to other people or leave it at the courts. Keys will not be handed out unless you display a shoe tag. Only the court key will be given.
    Location of keys: - 20 Glen Cres - 18 Maroondah Tce - 17 Lauder Drive  and 8 Kevin St - (ALL BUNDOORA).
  • USE OF COURTS: The courts are available for all club members during daylight hours, with the exceptions:- 
    • (A) Saturday Competition - Junior competition is held Saturday morning and senior competition in afternoon. Matches normally finish about 5pm.
    • (B) Mid-week ladies - Matches are played 9:30am to 3:00pm Tuesday and 9:30am to approx. 1:30pm on Thursday.
    • (C) Men's midweek play Thursday from 1:00 P.M. To approx. 4:30 P.M.
    • (D) Night tennis - Lights and courts are not available on most Tuesdays (mens), Wednesday (ladies), Thursday (mixed) and Friday (junior twilight).If courts are available, the fee for courts 5&6 are $15 per court per hour and courts 1-4 are $20 per hour
    • (E) Coaching - Four courts are reserved on Monday and Thursday from 4.00 p.m. to approx. 7.00 p.m.