How to find us
Nambucca Heads Tennis Club
Gordon Park Wellington Drive
Nambucca Heads
New South Wales
Members and visitors enter via Gordon Park Nambucca Heads, there is ample parking for everyone including wheel chair access to the club house and club house toilet. Our new club house offers tea and coffee making facilities and fridges for your byo cold drinks and handy hooks to hang your gear.
There is more to our club than just tennis, we have a social program of informal get-togethers for members and their partners including babecues and a monthly dinner night out at one of the many restaurants in the Nambucca Valley.
Community Play for children aged 5yrs to 12 yrs, Tuesday afternoons during school terms.
Adult and Junior Coaching by professional Australian accredited coaches.
Tony Polack - 0428 454 928 conducts lessons for all ages including adults Wednesday from 1 pm till 7pm from 4 years to 16 years followed by adults and Thursday from 3.30pm for children.
Tennis is designed to enhance hand-eye co-ordination, awareness and confidence in children and adults.
Court hire is available 7 days a week between 8am - 6pm, subject to availability
Vistor Court Hire Fees
$20 for the first hour
$30 for 2 hours
Member Fees
$15 - for the first hour
$25 for 2 hours
Book online at Book a Court,
Nambucca Heads Tennis Club
Gordon Park Wellington Drive
Nambucca Heads
New South Wales