Upcoming Events at the Boroondara Tennis Centre
The Centre is fully operating and running a variety of our regular and new events until the end of this year, with our last event being our largest and long-standing Victorian Schoolboys & Schoolgirls Championships ending December 21st. We will also be managing various events, throughout the year, that were previously run by Paul Gaff from Team Tennis.
The following are our upcoming events running from February through to April, including Zone Series, Local Series, JDS and UTR events. All our events contribute to our players' UTR ratings.
Boroondara February JDS Series (Feb 26 - 27) - entries are now closed
Thank-you for your interest in this event. As we have reached our maximum number of entries for this event, we have had to close the entries earlier than scheduled.
We are running a Junior Development Series with age groups 12&U, 14&U, 16&U and 18&U Singles. Also running Local Series events for 8&U and 10&U Singles. All matchplay events on offer (previously known as consolation) are voluntary sign-in and you must sign-in to be included.
First matches will not start earlier than 12:30 pm on Saturday and Sunday to accommodate club tennis and school sport. Must be available to play on both afternoons.
8 & U - orange ball; 10 & U - green ball; 12 & U, 14 & U, 16 & U and 18 & U- normal yellow ball.
Click on the following link to view:
2022 Boroondara February Junior Development Series | All Tournaments - Tennis Australia
BTC Head Tennis Classic (March 12 - 14) - entries close 2nd March
We are running a variety of events which cater for all players. Zone Open Series Mens & Womens Singles & Doubles events ($3000 Prizemoney). Also running Local Series events: 8&U,10&U,12&U,14&U,16&U & 18&U Singles and 12&U and 16&U Doubles events. All matchplay events on offer are voluntary sign-in and you must sign-in to be included.
Click on the following link to enter:
2022 Boroondara Tennis Centre Head Tennis Classic | All Tournaments - Tennis Australia
Boroondara Junior March UTR (Mar 19 - 20) - entries close 15th March
We are running a verified UTR which is designed to cater for 10 - 16 years old juniors of all playing abilities.
The events will not start earlier than 12:30 pm on Saturday and Sunday to accommodate club tennis and school sport.
Players will be divided into Divisions, based on their UTR.
Round robin formats for all events, with minimum 3 matches per player.
Click on the following links to enter online:
2022 Boroondara March Junior UTR Tournament | All Tournaments - Tennis Australia
Dimattina Coffee Tennis Grand Prix (Apr 9 - 12) - entries close 30th March
We are running a variety of events which cater for all players. Zone Open Series Mens & Womens Singles & Doubles events ($3000 Prizemoney). Also running Local Series events: 8&U,10&U,12&U,14&U,16&U & 18&U Singles and 12&U and 16&U Doubles events. All matchplay events on offer are voluntary sign-in and you must sign-in to be included.
Click on the following link to enter:
2022 Dimattina Coffee Tennis Grand Prix | All Tournaments - Tennis Australia
A.S. Lodge Easter Classic (Apr 19 - 21) - entries close 9th April
We are running a variety of events which cater for all players. Zone Open Series Mens & Womens Singles & Doubles events ($3000 Prizemoney). Also running Local Series events: 8&U,10&U,12&U,14&U,16&U & 18&U Singles and 12&U and 16&U Doubles events. All matchplay events on offer are voluntary sign-in and you must sign-in to be included.