
2022 Club Champs

On Sunday 16 January 2022 we held the first MWTC Club Championships in over 30 years.

There were 22 participants and many Mums and Dads came to watch too.

Toni, Duncan and Eric ran the day and it was a great achievement - there was fun on the court, off the court and prizes to be won too.  It was also a great opportunity for parents to interact with other parents and committee members.  Marc Peters cooked sausages for us and there were plenty of cold drinks to be had.  A big thank you to everyone who participated in making the day such a success.

Winners are:

2022 Green Ball Girls Champ - Kiara Wolf

2022 Green Ball Boys Champ - Dilain Pulihingage

2022 Junior Boys Champ - Arakai Wolf

2022 Cadets Champ - Shin Yi Pan

2022 Open Men's Champ - Eric Peters

2022 Open Ladies Champ - Amy Peters

Congratulations to our 2022 winners and we look forward to seeing your name up on the honor board in the clubhouse.  Trophies are in the process of being made and will be presented soon.