Club Info

Maroochydore Tennis Club Inc. is a not-for-profit incorporated association. Our clubhouse and courts are built on Sunshine Coast Regional Council land adjacent to the Maroochydore library and bowls club.

Our Annual General Meeting, at which Committee members and officials are elected, is held in February each year in the clubhouse. We are always looking for members to join our Committee as new members bring new ideas. Our monthly meetings are held on 2nd Thursday of each month at 10.00a.m. in the clubhouse.

Resident coach, Kent Mahoney conducts coaching sessions every weekday for both juniors and seniors. He is responsible for all the junior fixture teams playing on Saturdays. For session details see Tennis Coaching.

Maroochydore Tennis Club has adult teams with various levels of ability playing in Monday night fixtures, Wednesday Ladies fixtures and Friday Ladies fixtures competitions. For details see Competitions.

Social tennis is popular with sessions available on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings, and Thursday evenings. For session details, see Social Tennis.

The club wishes to acknowledge the ongoing support from the Sunshine Coast Council in the way of grants received in the past 12 months under the Major Grants Community Facilities August 2023 and continued support through the Community Facilities Program.

These grants enabled the club to repair the concrete cracking around the net posts on the hard courts and also to contribute to the club's ongoing provision of excellent facilities to members and the general public.