ACT Competitive Tennis Leagues

Manuka Tennis Club has a proud history of participating in Tennis ACT leagues and is renowned for its strong, friendly and competitive spirit. We field teams at all levels of junior and senior competition, and you can find detailed information about these competitions from Tennis ACT at this link.
Current junior competition options include:
- Under 12s (green ball) - 3 Player teams. Each player shall play 1 singles match and 2 doubles matches. Maximum age 12 years old as at final day of competition.
- Under 18s (yellow ball) - 3 Player teams. Each player shall play 1 set of singles and 2 sets of doubles. Maximum age 18 years old as at final day of competition.
To register or for general inquiries, please contact David Beniamini by phone: 0412 623 713 or by email:
Current senior competition options include:
- Monday/Tuesday Night – Minimum 3 Player teams. Each player will play 1 tie-break set of singles against their opposite number in the opposing team and 2 tiebreak sets of doubles (one with each of their partners). Matches start at 7:30 pm
- Thursday Night Mixed – Minimum 4 Player teams. Each player will play 2 tie-break sets against the opposing pair of the same gender, & 1 tie-break set of mixed doubles against each of the opposing pairs. Matches start at 7:30 pm
- Saturday Afternoon – Minimum 2 Player teams. Each player will play 1 singles match & 1 doubles match. The format for both singles and doubles is 2 tie-break sets with a 10-point tie-break if the score reaches 1 set all. Matches start at 1:30 pm
For general enquiries, and if you don’t have a team but would like to play in senior competition, please contact club captain Daniel Levy by phone: 0407 509 444 or by email: We strive to ensure there’s a team for everyone, at any playing level.
Important: Team Registration and Fees Policy
To register for senior competitions with Manuka Tennis Club, one team member who elects to be the Team Captain must make upfront payment of the registration fee on behalf of their team by the advertised deadline.
The team registration fee is $240 for the Summer and Winter seasons (approximately 8 game weeks), and $300 for the Autumn and Spring seasons (approximately 10 game weeks). These fees are inclusive of everything the club will provide such as Tennis ACT competition fees, court hire, lighting if needed, and match balls.
Please note that there are no refunds for these fees once the registration deadline has passed, so make sure you have at least the minimum number of players willing to play in each week of the season (for this reason we strongly urge having at least 1 or 2 more players than the minimum committed to playing regularly).
We leave it up to each team to divide up these fees equitably amongst themselves before the season, and the club will not involve itself in intra-team disputes about fees - but to avoid any such issues we strongly recommend that the total fee is divided equally between each base (regular) player of the team.
If you are having any difficulties with availability during the season, the club captain (contact details above) will make every effort to help you find fill-ins so you can get on the court, but any fill-in players must not be asked for contributions to a team’s fees.