Maiden Gully Tennis Club - Contact Us


Please note: This has since changed, an update will be undertaken shortly. If required please contact th eclub via email address, thank you.


For any questions or queries, you can reach out to us via the following contact information.

Contact Info - MGTC

President:  Gareth Murphy 
Number: 0439 316 621

Vice President: Donna Borkowski
Number: 0438 427 277

Treasurer: Geoff Fallon
Number: 0422 450 366

Co-Secretary: Lyn Bunton
Number: 0400 372 102

Co-Secretary: Simone Boddington
Number: 0475 882 634

Club email address:

Where to find us

Maiden Gully Tennis Club
Lower Beckhams Road Maiden Gully Victoria 3551