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Court Booking

Book your court

Book online to play on one of our 4 Synthetic or 4 Laykold® cushioned hard courts; all of which have competition grade lighting. Our courts are available for casual day and night hire by members and non-members when not in use for club tennis programs.  


Members free day time use, but you need to book online to access the courts.

Non-Members from $10 per hour.  Bookings can be made on the hour or on the half hour. Minimum booking time is 1 hour.

Night-time fee in addition to the court hire is $10 per hour for members and non-members.

  • Click on COURT BOOKING on the top menu.

  • The booking sheet will be visible.

  • Select the day/date on the top right hand side of the page.

  • Select the court and time by clicking into the slot you want your booking to commence.

  • Select the end time of your booking.  Minimum 1 hour.

  • Complete your personal details and payment details if required.

  • Confirm booking. You will receive an SMS/Email or both confirming your booking and entry PIN. The PIN will work 15 minutes prior and 15 minutes post your booking time if early or late to the courts. 

  • Upon arrival, enter the PIN and # key.  The lock light will illuminate green, push the gate to enter.  If other players in your group arrive later you will need to go to the gate to let them in.

  • At night-time upon entering your PIN the lights will automatically illuminate. The lights will turn off 15 minutes after the expiry of your booking. Use this time to exit the facility safely.  If others are playing at the courts and lights are on, still enter your PIN to ensure your lights stay on with your booking.