To join or renew membership select your membership category below. The membership year is 1 October to 30 September.
Membership is pro-rata so therefore it decreases over the year depending upon the number of months left in the year. Existing members must pay the full membership if renewing late.
Special discounts apply to existing members renewing by the due date (30/9/2024).
If you have any questions please contact Membership Officer Kelly Elliott on 0488 441 552 (after 4pm) or President Cora Brown by text on 0407 199 288 or Email
2024/25 Fees
- Senior (Adult) $120
- Full Time Student (17-24 years) $90
- Full Time Student (17-24 years) $45 where parent is an Adult Member.
- Junior Member (age 16 and under) $60. Note:
- Junior Member (age 16 and under) $30 where parent is an Adult Member.
- Social (Non Playing) $30
Schedule of fees: Schedule of Fees
2024/2025 Adult
01/10/2024- 30/09/2025
Full Adult Membership. $100 for existing members renewing if paid by due date 30 September. $120 per year for late payments and new members. Has monthly pro-rata reduction ($10 /month) for each completed month passed.
2024/2025 Full Time Student
01/10/2024- 30/09/2025
Full Time Student Aged 17 - 24 (no family link to Adult membership)
Eligibility: Proof of Study may be requested
2024/2025 Full Time Student (Family Linked)
01/10/2024- 30/09/2025
Full Time Student Age 17-24 with family link to Adult membership
Eligibility: Proof of study may be required
2024/2025 Junior
01/10/2024- 30/09/2025
Junior Age 16 years and Under (no family link) Allows free entry to Junior Club 9am Saturdays Terms 4 and 1
Eligibility: Age 16 and Under. Juniors with family link to Adult members receive 50% discount- see '2023/24 Junior Family-Linked' category
2024/2025 Junior (family Linked)
01/10/2024- 30/09/2025
Junior Age 16 years and Under linked to an Adult Membership of parent or guardian
Eligibility: Age 16 Years or under. Allows free access to Junior Club 9am Saturdays Terms 4 and 1.
2024/2025 Non Playing (Social Club Only)
01/10/2024- 30/09/2025
Non Playing member - Social Club Activities Only
Eligibility: No access to playing area.
Any Time Trial Membership Adult (3 month)
3 months membership
A 3-month trial membership to try out Lesmurdie Tennis Club and its facilities.
Please note that this is a one-time trial per user. If you enjoy our facilities after the trial, please purchase Pro Rata Annual membership on completion of trial.
Eligibility: All first-time users of the trial membership welcome!