Leopold Tennis Club offers Junior, Senior, Ladies Mid week and Thursday Triples competitions. Anyone can join the Social tennis also .
Junior Competition is held on a Saturday morning over two seperate seasons, a Summer and a Winter season. It is played with both singles and doubles format and consists of boys, girls and mixed teams
Senior Competition is held on a Saturday afternoon over the same two seasons, Summer and Winter. The format is doubles only and teams are divided into mens and mixed sections.
Mid-Week Ladies is played on Tuesday's and has two seasons each year. This is a doubles format only and is all women.
Thursday Triples teams can enter and play in any combination of men and women of all ages. The format is singles and doubles and is run over two mini-seasons, both in the summer months. Perfect for weekend workers, time-poor players and adults that still like to play singles.
All competitions listed above are played as a home and away season with a finals series to finish.
Junior Contact:
Hayden Walters -
Senior, Ladies Mid Week, Thursday Triples and Social tennis contact:
Anne-Maree Hoare - 0423 099 573
Club Contact
Ry Davies - 0404538540