
Lara Tennis Club participate in Tennis Geelong Junior and Seniorcompetition which includes clubs from all around the Greater Geelong region. 

Lara Tennis Club also run a Tuesday Night Social for players looking for a less formal game of tennis. 

Transition Tennis also offer a Thursday Night Compeititon for those wanting a more competative hit, but without the travel and a shorter season.

All players, new and current are welcome to join a competition program, click the links to find out more information or below for contact informaiton for each competition.


Tennis Geelong Junior Competition:

Jake Dunn

Mobile: 0419 687 180



Tennis Geelong Senior Competition: 

Daniel Koek

Mobile: 0438 843 025



Tuesday Night Social Tennis:

Anthony Hourigan

Mobile:  0418 363 782



Tennis Geelong Thursday Night Competition:

Daniel Koek

Mobile: 0438 843 025
