Report 2018

Some of our key achievements include:
- Increased participation at meetings and new committee members
- Maintaining our membership numbers across the board and participating in all competitions available to us through our affiliated associations (MRTA and MLDTA).
- A special mention should go to Roger and Rohan Barr for their amazing effort in Yarrawonga this year!
- Increased communication with other clubs (not just tennis) sharing facilities, resources, and players and, in particular, improving the general facilities at Lancefield Park especially our role in the Lancefield Longest Lunch.
- Tennis Victoria award to Loraine Kraus for her service to tennis·
- New sponsorship opportunities with companies such as SONARAY, allowing for our new club caps! (on the horizon)
- Upgrading our lighting for night competition
- Providing new facilities for our club such as a new toilet block, and outdoor lighting.
- Key register and new locks on court
- Continuing a healthy relationship with our club coach
- Continuing to seek out grant opportunities where available.
- Development of our new club website
I would like to thank the executive committee, Peter Liersch and Karen Bowden, for their efforts and valuable contribution over the years.
I’d like to acknowledge Rhonda Frank who has taken up the role of membership officer which is a time-consuming and pivotal role within the club.
I would like to acknowledge Kris Rielly for managing tennis club lotto – it must be noted that this continues to provide our club with its main income stream and without this fundraising running in a smooth and efficient manner our incomings would be severely depleted.
I would also like to acknowledge Roger Barr who continues to work tirelessly behind the scenes as our contact with the on-going tennis/netball project and park committee.
It makes the role of President easy when working with such a competent and committed team.
I would like to acknowledge the dedication and contribution of the general committee, volunteers and members that helped make 2017/8 a very successful year.
It has been an honour to be the President of the Lancefield Tennis Club for the past three years. I have enjoyed the opportunity immensely and feel that as out-going president I’m leaving a healthy and happy committee and club.
Congratulations to the new executive committee:
- President Kris Rielly
- Secretary Rhonda Franks
- Treasurer Peter Liersch
- New Committee member Maree Lawson
I look forward to seeing the next 12 months continue to improve the public profile of Lancefield Tennis Club Thank you
Emma Stevens
Lancefield Tennis Club President