Ball Machine


1.Book a court before use

2.Unlock the box using the padlock key from the lights cabinet

3.Disconnect the power charger

5.Invert hopper & add the balls.

6. Only the designated ball machine balls are to be used. (each ball is marked ball machine). Standard balls are not suitable for the ball machine.

7.Use the extension handle to move the machine

8.When on the court, switch on the power at the machine

9.Use the remote to start/stop ball feed,  adjust ball speed, loft, spin etc.

10.When finished, switch the power off at the machine & retreive all balls

Put away:

1.Replace the balls in the tub

2.Invert hopper to form a cover again

3.Ensure the remote is back in its pocket

4.Close the extension handle

5.Connect the power charger

6.Put away machine, balls tub and pickup tubes.

7.Lock the box & replace padlock key in the lights cabinet