LED Court Lighting Project Update
Sun, 08 Sep 2024 00:00

08th September 2024
Dear Members of Knox City Tennis Club,
I am very pleased to announce to you all that our LED court lighting project has now been approved by Knox City Council.
The Knox City Tennis Club committee has advocated extensively for the club to have LED lights that not only meet the required LUX levels, but that have been considered the gold standard for Tennis Court lighting in Australia. Hawkeye is an Australian made & designed system that provides optimal player comfort & safety, with a reflective boxed design significantly reducing eye strain and glare.
After considerable delays, the club has been successful in securing a Hawkeye LED Court Lighting system to replace all lights & poles on courts 1-6.
As part of this project, Knox City Tennis Club will also install centre sprinklers between these courts. This will assist in even watering of courts and reduce our en-tout-cas usage.
On behalf of the Knox Tennis Club Committee, thank you for your understanding and patience while we worked to secure this outcome with Council.
I look forward to sharing updates with you in the near future once the club has received our funding agreement.
Please feel free to reach out to me or have a chat at the club if you have any questions about the project.
I look forward to seeing Knox City Tennis Club ‘Lit Up’ soon when our Hawkeye lights are in!
Best Regards,
Craig Mason
Knox City Tennis Club
Email: president@knoxcitytennisclub.com.au
Phone: 0403 888 899