Health and Safety Policy

Kings Park Tennis Club Health and Safety Policy

Kings Park Tennis Club strategies for keeping players healthy and safe
1.    Signage to encourage players to water and bag courts to keep the surface safe.
2.    Affiliation with Tennis Australia which provides players with injury insurance.
3.    Regular checks for safety hazards 
4.    Health and safety tips and what to do in a medical emergency are displayed in the clubhouse and posted on the club website and social media
5.    First aid co-ordinator on the committee
6.    First aid kits available when clubhouse is open
7.    Defibrillator available when clubhouse is open
8.    Members give emergency contact details to the club
9.    Injuries are recorded in the Injury Reports  folder

Health and Safety tips
1.    Wear correct shoes to avoid slipping – see 
2.    Use a racquet that is suitable for your size – ask the coaches if you are not sure
3.    Have basic first aid supplies with you if playing when the clubhouse is closed

1.    Warm up and stretch before play
2.    Stop playing if you are injured or feel unwell
3.    Give yourself time off to rest between matches and training sessions to avoid overuse injuries.

1.    Be sun safe
2.    Keep hydrated in hot weather
3.    Apply wet fabric to the back of the neck etc in hot weather
4.    Consider wearing an ice vest in hot weather
5.    Follow Tennis Associations’ policies regarding matches being called off in very hot weather
6.    Do not play social tennis in very hot weather

1.    Water the courts to ensure the court surface is not slippery
2.    Notify the president at if you notice any safety issues

1.    Ensure all tennis balls are where they cannot be stepped on
2.    Do not swing racquets when close to other players
3.    Do not chase balls onto adjacent courts when they are occupied