Covid Safety Plan


All tennis club organisers are informed and kept up to date with the latest requirements and restrictions for participation and attendance at the venue. This communication is done with Tennis Victoria.

Currently the Tennnis Clubhouse remains closed. Toilets remain open during training session, social nights and during competition.

Signage has benn installed at all entrances and throughout the venue outlining social distancing rules, etiquette and conditions of use.

Conditions of entry are also published on the club website and facebook page.

Hand sanitizer is installed at the entrances of both courts, free of charge. Members have been encouraged to bring along their own.

Organisers to record the contact details of all venue attendee to assist close contract tracing should it be required.

Casual court hire needs to be prearranged with  the committee.

All COVID 19 cases MUST notify the Kinglake Ranges Tennis Club immediately.


Coach has their own Covid Safety Plan in place following the guidelines set by Tennis Victoria.

Contact tracing for the venue is completed by the coach and shared with the committee.

All gates opened by coaching staff and to remain open until the last lesson.

Clubhouse remains closed except for the toilets. Toilets will be opened by coaching staff and left open until the end of the last session.

There will be no equipment to share on courts such as, pick up tubes, cones. Coaching staff to utilise trolley of balls, that only they utilise.

Physical distacing occurs ie no contact and more than 1.5 metres apart at any time.

Hygiene: hands to be santised before and after entry to the courts and toilets. Sanitizer provided, however everyone is ecouraged to supply their own.

Cleaning: wipe down of gate entrances, toilets, trolley before and after play.



Stay at home if you:

Have been in contact with someone with COVID 19 in the last 14 days.

Have been overseas or exposed to someone with COVID 19 in the last 14 days.

Have any flu like symptoms


All players must observe the following condiitions on the day which they are playing tennis.


Only people core to the playing or coaching should be on the court or at the venue.

Arrive and leave as close as possible to when you need to be there.

In order to comply with relevant Child Safety Guidelines, preferable one parent/guardian should accompany younger children and continue to be present for the duration of the tennis activitiy.

No socialising before or after play is permitted.

No more than 10 people (excluding coach) is allowed on one courts.


Touch racquets instead of the regular pre of post match handshakes

Keep 1.5 metres away from other people while watching or attending a tennis activitiy

Outdoor seating furniture has been moved to ensure social distancing.


Wash/sterilize hands before and after you play and avoid touching your face whilst playing.

Do not share water bottles. Bring your own FULL water bottle. 

Wash your hands frequently - before and after play, before and after eating, after toilet, sneezing and coughing.

Cover your coughs and sneezes and dispose of any used tissue immediately.

Do not share tennis racquets.

Hand washing and good hygiene signage is displayed at strategic points around the venue.

Clean high traffic areas reguarly with disinfectant solutions that can be found inside the disabled toilet.

Conditions of Use for the Toilets: Cleaning instructions on display at all toilets.

Coaching: clean before and after - toilets and high touch surfaces.

Record of Cleaning on display in disabled toilets. To be signed after each clean.


We record the name and a contact number of all visitors who access the courts.

We ensure records are stored confidentially and securely.

It is the role of the Secretary to ensure the accuracy and legibility of records.

Any breaches or questions relating to the rules listed above are to be directed to the Club Secretary.