Member Info

If you are looking for opportunities  to play tennis in a friendly social environment, our club will suit you at a very reasonable cost. 

Membership Fees are now for 12  months Membership beginning from the date of purchase or from the expiry of the previous Membership.                    

If you wish to become a New Member of Kangaroo Valley Tennis Club, you will be required to Register prior to paying.  Click on the JOIN NOW button next to the appropriate membership category below.

Renewing Members: If you have registered previously with Kangaroo Valley Tennis Club and already have a login and password, you will be required to sign in then pay by clicking on RENEW NOW.  If you have not already registered, you will be asked to do so first, signing in with either your email address, FaceBook or Google account.

Donations to the Nigel Lewis Memorial Fund: This fund supports special activities for our Junior members. If you would like to donate, you can select one or more multiples of $10 in the 'Add-ons' screen to add to your membership payment.

You can make payments with your credit or debit card via the Stripe payment platform. Or if you prefer (and to save the Club the 3% Credit Card fee), you can pay by direct deposit to the Tennis Club's bank account  (BSB 062-585, Acc 1014 8951).

Should you require any assistance, please contact the President (Peter Stanton), Email: or Mobile: 0490 395 443.

General Notes:   

  1. Members can use the courts free of charge during daylight hours any time the courts are not being used for club social activities or coaching and are not booked by a hirer.
  2. Visitors accompanied by a club member are welcome to join in club social play.

 Cost of Membership:

Adult - $80

Associate (Partner of adult member) - $40 

Concession (Over 18 w/ concession card) - $40

Junior - $20 


Adult (Cash or EFT)

12 months membership

Member over 18 years without concessions and not the partner of an "Adult" member

Join now

Adult (Credit Card)

12 months membership

Member over 18 years without concessions, not the partner of an "Adult" member and paid by Credit Card

Join now

Associate (Cash or EFT)

12 months membership

Member over 18 years who is the partner of an Adult member

Eligibility: Partner of an "Adult", "Concessional" or "Life" member

Join now

Associate (Credit Card)

12 months membership

Member over 18 years who is the partner of an Adult member and pays by Credit Card

Eligibility: Partner of an "Adult", "Concessional" or "Life" member

Join now

Concession (Cash or EFT)

12 months membership

Member over 18 years with concession card

Eligibility: Member over 18 years with full-time student or pension card

Join now

Concession (Credit Card)

12 months membership

Member over 18 years with concession card and paying by Credit Card

Eligibility: Member over 18 years with full-time student or pension card

Join now

Junior (Cash or EFT)

12 months membership

Member 18 years or under

Eligibility: Age 18 years or under

Join now

Junior (Credit Card)

12 months membership

Member 18 years or under paying by Credit

Eligibility: Age 18 years or under

Join now