Club History
History – Inman Valley Tennis Club
The Inman Valley Tennis Club was formed at a meeting held on 3rd March 1904. At that meeting it was decided to have two courts put down if funds allowed. A second meeting was held only three weeks later, indicating the groups’ enthusiasm to get started. Office bearers were elected.
Mr Prouse who owned the land opposite Roads Lane had generously agreed to lend the land to the newly formed Club. Mr Meyer would give fencing wire on which to strain netting. Thus began a tradition of the Club being supported by generous donations of time and resources by its members and the local community, a tradition that continues through the Club today.
On the 3rd October 1945 the Inman Valley Tennis Club held its first meeting after the conclusion of WW11. Obviously the courts that the Club had been playing on since 1904 would not have been maintained during the war. It was decided that the Club purchase enough land from Mr W Hacklin to build two courts and a clubrooms.
The site was chosen for the new courts just a short distance west of the Inman Valley township that is the present site of the Club today.
The new courts were opened on 15th November 1947. In 1949 a third court was laid with the support of community labour and donations of materials.
By 1952 the Inman Valley Tennis Club was booming. At a general meeting with 45 members present it was decided to build a fourth court and new clubrooms.
Since the laying of the courts in the 1940’s and 1950’s the surface had often been top dressed with colas and sawdust to bring it up to an acceptable playing surface. By 1968 it was decided that just topdressing was not sufficient and something more enduring was required. New asphalt courts were completed in February 1971.
By 1983 the topic of renewing the courts was once again a major discussion point at meetings. Even though the courts had been comprehensively resurfaced with asphalt only twelve years or so before they were again in disrepair. It was decided new cement courts be laid as soon as sufficient funds were raised, the new courts were opened by Mr Ron Lillicrapp on 26th May 1985.
New clubrooms were also built to compliment the new courts. The clubrooms which were opened in January 1989 still serve the Club very well today.
The cement courts were resurfaced with tru-flex at the end of 2009. A community playground has also been established at the Club for use by the local community as well as tennis member’s children.
For more information on the History of the Inman Valley Tennis Club a commemorative Book written by Carol Jones (a long standing member of the Inman Valley tennis Club) for the Inman Valley Tennis Club centenary which was celebrated in March 2004 is available from Helen Scholfield 0414 900 691.