We would like to acknowledge our generous sponsors who provide support to our club to continue to provide fantastic facilities and tennis for our whole community!
Heyfield & District Community Bank Branch
Maffra Community Sports Club
Thomson Valley Service Centre
Vern Graham Pty Ltd
Heyfield Family Dental Care
Tyrrell Partners
Intersport Sale
Heyfield Signs
Aldersea & Higgins
Gippsland Real Estate
Railway Hotel Heyfield
Lewyz Quality Meats
Tim Bull MP
Heyfield IGA
Rosedale Bottleshop
Rockys Electrical
Browns Stockfeeds
Alex Scott & Staff Sale
If you would like to donate generously or apply for an annual sponsorship, please contact Leesa (Treasurer) - 0437 558 870, Cayla (Secretary) - 0438 511 995 or email heyfieldtennisclub@outlook.com.au for more information