
Joining the Haven Tennis Club is easy.

In the future we hope to offer a range of Memberships for our club.

Currently most of our members play in the Central Wimmera Tennis Association Summer Competition.


SENIOR    $ 150.00

JUNIOR    $ 100.00

MATCH PLAY (only) $ 75.00

Each year your Membership will be due to the club by the second round of the season. Friday the 18th of October

Tennis Tops 

Polo Shirt - $40

Singlet - $35

Membership fee covers:

Ball Fees, Tennis Affiliation, Insurance & Trophies

Please click on the below links to process your membership.  Prefered payment is via card when you process your membership but you can also pay direct into our bank account. 

Account details: Haven Tennis Club – BSB: 633000 – Account: 196113864

Description: Please include your FULL NAME as a reference so your payment is traceable



2024-25 Junior Match Play

01/10/2024 - 30/09/2025

2024-25 Junior Match Play

Join now

2024-25 Junior Membership

01/10/2024 - 30/09/2025

2024-25 Junior Membership

Join now

2024-25 Senior Membership

01/10/2024 - 30/09/2025

2024-25 Senior Membership

Join now