Competition Tennis

Hallett Cove Beach Tennis Club provides juniors (aged 17 and below for the duration of the season) with the opportunity to play summer competition tennis, affiliated with Glenelg District Tennis Association (GDTA). Matches are played Saturday mornings, and we encourage parents to support the teams by acting as team managers. Winter competition tennis is also available for those interested.
Senior competitive tennis is also available in summer (affiliated with GDTA) and in winter (affiliated with the broader Tennis SA).
If you are interested or wish to enquire, please contact us at . You can also obtain further information about GDTA at Pennant, at .
Summer teams can be either mens or womens (at least 4 players per team), or mixed (men & women, that comprise at least 4 men and 4 women) and are played Saturday afternoons.
Players of all standards are welcome to join, even as fill in players.
Of course social tennis is also available for those unable to commit or just looking to take a more casual approach to the game.