About Night comp


We use Blackburn District Night Tennis Association: BNDTA. https://www.bdnta.com/

Monday – Thursdays offer Open* doubles across a range of sections (standards)

Start time is 7pm

Format is home / away. Equal number of games are played at home as away (competitor’s club)

Doubles require 4 players. 3 sets are played. Players change team partner each set.

Mondays also has a Ladies section and is doubles format

Thursdays also has a singles/doubles section: 3 players -1 set singles, 2 sets doubles

Cost is $8 per match per player for doubles & $10 for S/D

Tie breaks are played at 5-5

Usual finish time is 9.30

This is a social comp. Whilst the highest sections (better players) can be more serious about their tennis, all levels enjoy fun and convivial rivalry as we vie for a pennant flag for our club. The aim is exercise – winning is incidental.

Staying behind for a light supper** (hosted by home team) is encouraged but not compulsory

*No designated gender

**Can be no more than a cup of tea & bikkie or beer & chips