GDTA AGM 26.02.2024

The next Gloucester District Tennis Association AGM will be held on  Monday 26.02.2023 at 5.30pm.  

All positions will become vacant and a new committee is to be nominated and elected.  Please click on the link below for the nomination forms.

GDTA Committee Nomination Form

The current committee is:-



Steve Munn 


Joanie Pacchiana 

Treasurer/Public Officer

Robyn Scott

General Committee

Kevin Ivin
BJ Compton
Rob Howden
Lorraine Adams

Honorary Auditor

Jenny Wilson

Tournament Director

Ruth Johnson

Member Protection Information Officer

Ruth Johnson


A link to the GDTA Constitution is below:-

GDTA Constitution

In line with NSW Office of Sports requirements and as a requirement of the new constitution, GDTA must have a Member Protection Policy.  A link to the policy is below:-

GDTA Member Protection Policy

GDTA AGM Minutes 13.2.2023