
Glenlea Tennis Club has a proud history of developing elite tennis players whilst retaining a family and community atmosphere to welcome players of all abilities.

The entry pathways for children are via Hot Shots Tennis which is a fun way for children between the ages of 3-10+ to Play and Learn tennis. Each Stage provides the right equipment and court size to play tennis at their ability and interest. Age is less important than development level. To book, click here and see the Term 1 flyer below.

The Term 2 flyer will be uploaded towards the end of Term 1. To ensure you are informed when bookings open or for any questions, email:

Exit pathways are to training squads - Green ball and Yellow ball, and competition exposure representing Glenlea Tennis Club.

For adults, group lessons are available weekly as well as social tennis to hone your skills.

1:1 Coaching is also available through the Langman and Ley Tennis Academy on site at Glenlea for all standards and ages in a group or private setting.

Private Coaching

Private tennis coaching is available for all ages and standards. It is recommend for those wanting to improve their game quickly and who want q1:1 technical tennis information. We have female and male coaches who are qualified and experienced.

Adult Group Coaching

Adult Group Coaching is a tennis program designed to help every adult, no matter their ability or fitness level. It is a great way to brush up on your tennis skills and get fit before or during the tennis competition season. It's a great way to get the best out of yourself.

Elite Squad

World class training standards to provide an opportunity to move from high performance to the professional. Todd Langman coached Thanasi Kokkinakis as a junior and pro. Todd Ley has trained at some of the worlds best tennis Academies.

The Coaches

The Academy is run under the guidence of accreditated professionsals.

Head Coach - Todd Langman Head Coach - Todd Ley
0419 902 775 | 0450 612 865 |