Get Active Kids Voucher

Get Active Kids Voucher Program

Over 22,600 vouchers have been distributed across the initial two rounds of the Program and a number of changes have been made to the eligibility criteria and Round 3 has run to help even more Victorian families access the Program.

In a very challenging time for the sporting sector and Victorian families, the Get Active Kids Vouchers Program will continue to help families doing it tough pay for sporting memberships and registration fees, uniforms and equipment.

To be eligible children must be Victorian residents, aged 18 and under and named on a valid Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card, as well as a Medicare card.

Additionally, special consideration also applies for children residing in care services as well as temporary or provisional visa holders, undocumented migrants or international students.

Resources available to help you promote the Program

We ask for your support to please promote the Get Active Kids Vouchers Program so that eligible families in your network can receive these vital funds.

Further Information about the next round

If you have any additional questions that cannot be answered via the above information, or you require further support in  promoting the Program, please contact us at


Get Active Kids Voucher Program Team

Sport and Recreation Victoria