How to find us
Forrest Tennis Club
Station St
The Forrest Tennis Club is seeking expressions of interest for junior & senior players for the upcoming 2021/22 season starting in October. The club forms part of the Polwarth and District Tennis Association. Junior matches are played on Saturday mornings (Div 1,2,3 & 4) & senior matches are played (A & B grade) on Saturday afternoons around Colac & district. The season runs from early October until March 2022, with a 6 week break over the summer holidays. The senior competition is open to male & female players (3 men & 3 women per team). If you have just moved to Forrest or are a weekender, please let us know as we would love to meet you! Tennis at Forrest is a great way of keeping fit, having fun and being part of the Forrest sporting community! Please message club secretary, Anne Murnane to express your interest by 15th September. 2021
Email -
Mobile - 0413 270 352
The Forrest Tennis Club is an affiliate of the Polwarth and District Tennis Association. Junior matches are played on Saturday mornings (Div 1,2,3 & 4) & senior matches are played (A & B grade) on Saturday afternoons around Colac & district. The season runs from early October until March , with a 6 week break over the summer holidays. The senior competition is open to male & female players (3 men & 3 women per team)Tennis at Forrest is a great way of keeping fit, having fun and being part of the Forrest sporting community!
Courts are open to all visitors and community members free of charge.
Please respect the courts and refrain from abusing nets, leaving rubbish and ensure animals do not enter
Courts are used at your own risk
If you would would like to represent Forrest in competition, plesse contact Anne Murnane - 0413 270 352