
Fawkner Tennis Club offers a range of competitive play opportunities for players of all ages and abilities. 

The club offers intraclub social play and also competes in Association Competition with the NSJTA, NSTA, NSNTA and the Midweek Ladies Competition.


Social competition tennis is offered to people of all ages and tennis capabilities. It runs on a Wednesday between 7:30-8:30pm each week.  


Junior Competition runs during the school terms, on Saturday Mornings, beginning at 8.30 am, however as you reach the higher ranks the timing may change to a 7.45 am start on Saturday mornings, or Friday nights.


Adult Competition varies according to whom is in your team, a Women’s Competition is run on Tuesday nights, beginning at 7.00 pm, Mixed Competition is offered on Wednesday nights at 7.00 pm, and a Men’s Competition is offered on Thursday night beginning at 7.00 pm, or Saturday afternoons, beginning at 1.00 pm. Midweek ladies play on Thursdays during the day.

Please note for team availabilities may change according to the size of teams and the number of people wishing to join.


For more information regarding Competition, please contact Fawkner Tennis Club via email