
Elite Tennis Academy is a leading Coaching & Facility Tennis Operator based out of Mornington Tennis Centre and  Gardiner Tennis Club.  

We offer an extensive range of coaching programs including;

🎾 Private Lessons

🎾 Hot Shots (ages 3-12 years)

🎾 Groups Lessons (ages 12-18 years)

🎾 Performance Squad Programs

🎾 Adult Group Lessons

🎾 Cardio Tennis

🎾 Racquet Restringing & Pro Shop Services

Tennis Victoria Awards

🎾 Coaching Excellence Coach of the Year Finalist (2022)

🎾 Club/Centre of the Year Finalist (2022)

🎾 Tournament of the Year Finalist (2022)

Where we teach

Here are the Elite Tennis Academy venues where you can play.

  1. Gardiner Tennis Club

    2-14 Kyarra Rd, Glen Iris, Victoria, 3146

  2. Mornington Tennis Centre

    Civic Reserve, 350 Dunns Road, Mornington, Victoria, 3931

  3. Red Hill TC

    184 Arthurs Seat Road, Red Hill, VIC, 3937

Our Partners

Mornington Tennis Club
Gardiner Tennis Club
Universal Tennis (UTR)