Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

All members of Echuca Tennis Club [“the Club”] are bound by this Code of Conduct as a condition of their club membership.  Members have a responsibility when playing at or representing the Club to conduct themselves in an appropriate and professional manner, consistent with the code of conduct below. 

This code of conduct is to be read in conjunction with the rules and by laws of tennis policies from Tennis Australia and the Club’s Constitution 

General Code of Conduct 

  • Respect the rights, dignity and worth of fellow members, players, coaches, and committee members regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion. 
  • Abusive language, aggressive behaviour, any form of abuse or bullying and any form of harassment towards or discrimination of others will not be tolerated.
  • Be fair, considerate and honest in all dealings with others.
  • Be professional and accept responsibility for your actions.
  • Please respect the clubhouse, courts and surrounding grounds and treat the club’s facilities as if they were part of your own home. 
  • If you use the clubhouse kitchen equipment, please ensure that all the facilities are left clean and suitable for other members to use after you. 
  • Members are welcome to bring visitors but please ensure that guest fees are paid before play.
  • Do not ride bikes or skateboards or scooters within the compound.
  • Pets are not allowed on the courts at any time –as they can cause damage to the courts’ surface, and they could be a safety risk to players.
  • Pets are not allowed inside the clubhouse at any time. 
  • Pets shall be under their owner’s control anywhere within the compound and must not to be left unattended.
  • Smoking is not permitted inside the clubhouse or within the tennis courts.
  • Excessive consumption of alcohol is not an acceptable behaviour.       
  • Comply with the hours and conditions permitted for play.                                               
  • Ensure children are under parental control within the clubhouse, and on the grounds surrounding the tennis courts.                                                                               
  • If a child is unduly noisy or misbehaving, bring the matter to the attention of the child’s parents.                                                                                                               
  • Check to make sure that the main entrance door to the club is always closed and locked, especially when children are inside the club without an adult present. 
  • Tennis shoes are required to be worn on the court at all times. Rippled soles, desert boots or shoes that are clearly not tennis shoes damage the court surface and are not permitted. 

Social Tennis Code of Conduct

  • Be a good sport - treat all players as you would like to be treated. 
  • Respect the rights, dignity and worth of all players regardless of their race, gender, disability, cultural background or religion. 
  • If other players are waiting, players are encouraged to complete their current set only. This is to ensure a fair rotation and equal allocation of playing times among players.  
  • Always consider the safety and well-being of fellow players.
  • Behave in a sportsmanlike manner. 
  • Always control your temper and your language. 
  • Do not verbally and/or physically (directly or indirectly) abuse players, or act inappropriately as to deliberately distract or provoke players. No obscene language and/or gestures of any kind.
  • Refrain from any form of harassment of any other person and do not bully, intimidate, threaten or take unfair advantage of another player. 
  • Play according to the rules (FAST4). Settle any disagreements without resorting to hostility or violence.

If you witness any breach of this Code, please bring the matter to the attention of the Club via email:, of which the Club’s committee will endeavour to investigate the alleged breach.