Our junior coaching program caters for all ages and abilities, from new starters to high performance competitors.

Qualified Tennis Australia coaches will help guide your child every step of the way, delivering a program suitable for each and every child we coach.

Below you can find information about and/or book into Private or Semi-Private lessons, Junior  group lessons, Hot Shots, Match Play, Tennis Australia #No Limits Girls Squad and High Performance Regional squads:



Private coaching are lessons with a 1 coach to 1 player ratio . This a known as a private, and 1 coach to 2 players is a semi -private. 

Lesson format:  An Individual junior  (private lesson)  or up to 2 juniors (semi private lesson)

Private lessons are suitable for: People who want to fine tune their technique and improve quicker. Semi private lessons mean you share the lesson with one other person. Bring a friend and split the cost.

Contact Natalie to arrange private or semi private lessons



Children are put into classes according to their age and we have a ratio of 1 coach to 6 players.  Group privates are suitable for up to 4 players

Junior Group lessons are suitable for: Juniors who want to improve their game with others in a dedicated  group setting. Great for junior teams who want to train and improve together. 




Dynamic Tennis Coaching delivers Hot Shots coaching, match play and tournaments for kids aged 3 to 12yrs + during school terms

Hot Shots Tennis is Tennis Australia’s official starter program. It is designed to let children develop technically and tactically in an environment that is always fun and exciting.  

Hot Shots is played on smaller courts with modified equipment, including lighter racquets, lower nets and low compression balls that don’t bounce too high.

Hot Shots has four fun stages 

 Blue (3 - 5 yrs)

  Red (5 - 8 yrs)

  Orange Ball (8 - 10 yrs)

 Green  Ball  (10-12 yrs)   

Lesson format:  Small groups based on stage and age group

Hot Shots lessons are suitable for: Kids who want to get started or develop their tennis in a fun, group environment







Hot Shots Match Play is played over 6 weeks in each school term, played once a week. 

Players can play in a friendly competition learning to score. All players receive a prize for competing

Lesson format:  Small group guided competition

Hot Shots Match Play is  suitable for: Kids who want to get started with guided, friendly competition against kids in their own club






All players in Hot Shots Red Classes and above can compete in our Junior Tournaments played once a month during the school terms. 

We love seeing the players grow and develop by playing the competitions. And that doing their best is the most important thing. Keeping it fun and safe for all to play.






Aimed at girls to come together to train in a fun , safe and competitive  environment

Lesson format: Junior Development Squad

# NO LIMITS GIRLS SQUAD: Girls ages 8-10 years based on acceptance.














Online bookings: