Drysdale Tennis Club participate in Tennis Geelong Junior, Senior and Mid Week Ladies competition which includes clubs from all around the Greater Geelong region.
Drysdale Tennis Club also run a Monday Night Social for players looking for a less formal game of tennis.
All players, new and current are welcome to join a competition program, click the links to find out more information or below for contact informaiton for each competition.
Tennis Geelong Junior Competition:
Kerry Humphrey
Mobile: 0400 078 337
Email: kerryhump15@gmail.com
Tennis Geelong Senior Competition:
Darren Humphrey
Mobile: 0447 687 937
Email: dryscomp@bigpond.net.au
Tennis Geelong Mid Week Ladies Competition:
Mandy McManus
Mobile: 0408 355 291
Email: trevormandy@bigpond.com
Monday Night Social Tennis:
Richard Knight
Mobile: 0408 127 868
Email: richk0568@gmail.com