How to find us
Donnybrook Tennis Club
Tennis Club, Vc Mitchell Park, Marmion Street
Western Australia
Having a contact register supports public health efforts to reduce the risk of an uncontrolled COVID-19 outbreak in WA. If a person tests positive to COVID-19, contact registers will help the Department of Health to quickly and easily contact people who may have been in the same location, at the same time.
Please use the QR code or manually sign in when visiting or playing at the Donnybrook Tennis Club.
If you are in Donnybrook or the South West for a while or just passing through, the Club extends a warm welcome to tennis players of all ages to play at our Club.
Situated at the VC Mitchell Park sporting complex on Marmion Street in the beautiful town of Donnybrook, the facilities include:
Days of Play
Join or Renew Your Membership
Donnybrook Tennis Club
Tennis Club, Vc Mitchell Park, Marmion Street
Western Australia