Vision, Mission and Values


Tasmanian Tennis Academy facilitates through personal empowerment each person’s development of a lifelong love of tennis (and/or sport).



Tasmanian Tennis Academy nurtures champions for life through high quality holistic coaching in a safe, welcoming and friendly environment. A champion is defined as someone who exhibits champion behaviours and gives their best effort each time they play. Our mission is creating positive and fun memories that last a lifetime.


Point of Difference: learning from a Tasmanian talent with a wealth of international experience.


At Tasmanian Tennis Academy we value …

1) Effort – Always giving your best effort and work with intensity on the court. Making sure the workload you choose is sustainable in the long term. Work out your weekly training schedule/routine and stick with it. The players who practice consistently will improve faster than the players who do not play regularly.

2) Excellence – practice with the same intensity of how your play. Be intense but not tense. Care about how you play during practice as much as how you play during a match. Aim to play good tennis and always give you best effort. Control power and direction and hit your best shots.  

3) Execute– be courageous, not always taking the easy way out, but choosing to be brave even when the going gets tough.

4) Encourage – yourself and don’t be too tough on yourself. Tasmanian Tennis Academy is a friendly and welcoming community. Every single person who is keen to play tennis is welcome at all times. Make sure you are the athlete who says hi to new people and invites them to come and have a hit of tennis with you. It is ok to walk out onto a court if people are playing and ask to join in. Think of the needs of others. Encourage others.

5) Enjoyment – enjoy the battle, the game and the journey. Learn to enjoy the journey rather than focussing on the outcomes.

6) Energy - Work hard to be kind to yourself and encourage yourself. Be enthusiastic and have a positive attitude. Reflect on what you did well. Tennis is 90% mental, so learning to be strong and tough mentally is worth it.

7) Elevate - If things aren’t going well or as planned, learn the art of elevating yourself beyond the current situation.

8) Explore – Develop and become resilient. There will always be someone better than you. Losing a point or a match does not make you any less of a person, in fact you might learn more from matches you don’t win. Learn to bounce back after disappointments.  Learn how to solve problems on the tennis court. Learn to make observations (see the game) about your current match and adjust as necessary. Choose a growth mindset - always be looking for ways to improve and grow. Ask questions. Arrive on court with an intention and something you are working on each time you practice and play. Regularly reflect, set and review your goals.

1) Embracing everyone -Accepting and loving – it is ok to make mistakes. We all need to take and accept responsibility for our actions. The key is to admit when you make a mistake and admit your mistake and if appropriate ask for forgiveness. It is important to forgive others and be difficult to offend and assume good intention. Choose to be kind with your words, actions and thoughts. 

2) Emotional regulation/control - always try to present positive body language on and off court. It is ok and normal to experience negative emotions like frustration and disappointment. The most important thing is to discover a way to give your best effort after you experience these feelings. Always aim to have a good and teachable attitude. Always fight and never give in.  Always being a good sport.

3) Ethical – Be a good sport. Make fair decisions on the tennis court. Always being truthful and honest on and off the court. Be authentic and true to yourself. Be you, be real as well as being sensitive to others feelings.

4) Extraordinary – developing the ability to have extraordinary belief and confidence in yourself to play when under pressure and the going gets tough. Be a player who has developed the skills on how they personally thrive under pressure.

5) Enthusiastic – learn to love the game of tennis. Play with passion, eagerness and be excited each time you play.

6) Express  gratitude and be thankful.  Observing/commenting on your team mates and opponents did well first. Always being humble in victory.

7) Efficient – be efficient with your time, energy and effort. Keep things simple and focussed. Don’t spend time on unnecessary things that don’t move you towards your goals. When it comes to tennis you are better to have a high intensity 60 minute training session than a half paced 3 hour session.  

8) Enhance - Be a team player. Help pick up the balls with intensity is being a great team player. Be the person in the squad who leads by example, encourages others and makes a positive impact to the squad dynamics.

Each week the coaches have a focus E. There are 16 values, so throughout the year each E will be covered twice.