Women's Health Week: Stay fit for tennis

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Clifton Springs Tennis Club are pleased to launch our fitness video to celebrate Women’s Health Week 2021.

As we are unable to get together to play tennis we hope that you can get super fit and ready for play recommencing Plby using this video.

Thanks to Dennis and Living Stronger for creating it and to Geelong Guardrail for sponsoring all our Women’s Health Week activities.

Dennis has shown two fit young women in his exercise video but those of us who are not so fit and not so young (!) can simply do fewer repetitions or substitute some easier movements especially for those evil burpees!

So please have a go …. and of course men too.

Please make sure you "like" the video, share it with friends  and let us know what you think.

Please click here to access the video: https://youtu.be/G4yNOhFIDdg