Club History
Club history
Written by Arthur Geary (member since 1970)
The Chadstone Tennis Club (CTC) was formed in 1958 with 5 en-tout-cas courts.
Today, there are 7 courts, 5 Classic Clay Courts under lights and 2 Clay Star Courts. Current membership is 299. The Tennis Club is a section of the Chadstone Recreation and Civic Club Inc. (CR&CC) that oversees both the Tennis and Bowls sections. The CR & CC has the overall responsibility of the lease of the facilities from the City of Stonnington and is also the licensee of the liquor license. The CTC is responsible for the maintenance of the courts, surrounds and running of the club. Until 1960 the CTC clubhouse was the home of the Chadstone Bowls Club. Since 1958 the CTC has promoted the sport of tennis. Numerous Juniors Adults and Seniors past and present have benefited from the facilities. Owing to the growth of both social and competition playing members, an additional 2 en-tout-cas courts were built in the late 1970's.
In 2007 the CTC because of water restrictions and with financial assistance from the City of Stonnington converted 5 of the en-tout-cas courts to Classic Clay. 2011 saw the construction of the 2 Clay Star courts with CR & CC financial assistance. All clay courts are very popular not withstanding chronic drainage problems following extended periods of wet weather. During July 2018 the 5 Classic Clay courts underwent repair. The mineral sands were removed. The surfaces polished and new mineral sand applied. The cost shared equally between the CTC and the City of Stonnington.
Whilst it does not exist today, during the early days of en-tout-cas tennis potential CTC members had to be a required tennis standard, if not, coaching was recommended before re-applying for membership. In those days prior to the advent of Sunday trading. Extended hotel hours, VFL and AFL Sunday Football social tennis on Sunday afternoon at CTC was very popular; play continued until darkness prevailed. Saturday morning was reserved for Juniors controlled by a stalwart and life member of the club Rosemary Jordan. Saturday afternoon reserved for adult competition. Sunday morning was coaching and Pennant fixtures.
Family involvement at CTC has been prodigious. Apologies to the many worthy past and present members not named herein. Reference to Stan Wotherspoon & family. Stan is a past president and singles champion; daughter Janet, past singles champion; wife, past committee secretary, sons Peter Roger and Greg past involved members; Gordan and Alison Mackenzie past involved members; daughter,Heather, an 8 times past singles champion; son, Ross, past singles champion; Ron & Margaret Redman long term members; Ron, past dual singles champion.
Currently Friday evening is predominantly Junior social with Junior competition Saturday & Sunday mornings. Saturday afternoon is predominately adult competition. Wednesday and Thursday mornings is Ladies Competition. Senior Men social is very popular on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings with an average attendance of 15. Night tennis became available in 1995, 7 nights a week. Social and competition tennis is enjoyed by members and visitors.
In 2008/9 the CTC clubhouse underwent renovations - new kitchen, vinyl floors tables,chairs, carpet and TV. Special mention of members past and present who gave and some who still give great service to the CTC. They include life member past president and original member Ron Bowman; Neil Bedggood, deceased, former life member original member and past president treasurer and secretary; past presidents Craig Jendra and Georgina Fanshaw; life member and past president Stewart Anstee; life member and long serving committee member Paula Cocks; long serving social secretary Karen White; Greg Piper life member current CTC committee secretary who is into his 28 consecutive year as secretary. Greg is a tireless worker in regard to club and court maintenance, also CR & CC duties; Ian Martin, life member past president and current CTC long serving treasurer and CR & CC secretary. Ian, for many years without remuneration accepted the responsibility of cleaning the CTC clubhouse.
Coaching has always been available at the Club. Former coaches John Mitchell and Alison Leydin were prominent with the latter greatly increasing Junior participation. Michael Whiter, who came to the club in 2004 is the current Coach and Junior Coordinator.
Historically certain facts are worthy of mention eg. Ken Horton into his 93rd year is the oldest playing member; the 2018 Ladies and Men's Singles Champions Danielle Fisher and Joshua Fisher are respectively Mother and Son; the current president of the CTC Natalie Menchikova who in 2015 won the Ladies and Men's Singles Championships.
In 2019 the Stonnington Council approved a Materplan to redevelop Percy Treyvaud Memorial Park to build 4 court netball stadium, rebuild of the existing tennis courts, bowling greens and existing lacrosse and cricket pavilions. There is current Court action which is holding up any works from starting in the near future. The Committee has been working tirelessly to represent the needs of the members and broader community.
Arthur Geary, General Committee