About Us
The Burnside Tennis Club (BTC) was founded in 1968 and is a family and community orientated tennis club that is the home of the Burnside Beagles.
BTC is located in the eastern suburbs of Adelaide in South Australia and is a member of the Eastern Districts Tennis Association and is affiliated with Tennis SA.
BTC is focussed on enabling juniors to have fun and make lifelong friends playing the wonderful game of tennis. We aim to be the type of tennis club that people join and never want to leave!
Tennis has a reputation of being an 'individual' sport, however at BTC we try to emphasis to all our juniors and that they are all Burnside Beagles representing their tennis club. All of the Junior Beagles proudly wear their Burnside Beagles Club Shirts while playing matches (and even to training and club events sometimes!). Currently we have a successful junior competition and are starting a Fast4 Competition.
To help our members feel a part of a team and a club we hold many social functions including:
- Junior team announcement day which is an opportunity for the junior players and parents to meet the other players and parents in their team before the first match and training of the summer season;
- A whole club get to know you event which is held in November and is aimed at promoting socialising between all the teams and the families involved at the club;
- An annual fundraising event to enable the club to raise money to continually improve the club house; and
- End of season function.
Tuesday after school is training night for the Junior Beagles.
Being a Burnside Beagle is great fun and we are always happy to welcome new people to the Burnside Beagle Family!
For more information or to become a Burnside Beagle today please contact: burnsidetennisclub@gmail.com