
IGA Sausage Sizzle - Can you Help? Term 4 Comp, Survey Results & More!

Hi there,

It's been a while and a lot is happening:

Club survey results

Thanks to all our members who responded to the recent Club Survey.
As a committee we work together to improve your experience at our local tennis club.
We always welcome and encourage your feedback. A summary of the recent 2023 BPTC survey is below:

  • Satisfaction: Members are satisfied with their club
  • Enjoyment: All said they enjoy many aspects of the Club ie playing tennis, the people, ease of access, having a local tennis facility,
  • Safety: All respondents feel safe at our club
  • Participation: All respondents participate in some way or multiple ways (ie social play, comp play, coaching, court hire, fast 4)
  • Extra club activities: small percentage indicated a desire for singles comp play, 60 % would like Sunday social sessions
  • Club improvements: respondents mentioned they would like improvements to include a WC, new clubhouse and for the club to address the bumps on the court surface,
  • Social events: only 50% responded they would attend events but had no suggestions, there were suggestions for an end of year function, and social Sundays
  • Inter club matches: 33% said they would attend and 55% said no. The clubs preferred by respondents were Braidwood 44%, Yass 44%, Queanbeyan 33%
  • Notification methods: 80% prefer email for notifications, 20% SMS, 20% socials (FB Insta) 10% noticeboard in the clubhouse and 30% responded all options
  • Volunteering: 40% did not wish to volunteer and 60% said they would

Do you have some spare time next Saturday - 14 October 2023 - 9am to 1:30pm? 

We're rostered on for the next community club IGA sausage sizzle (9am to 1:30pm). Thanks to Sam who has already volunteered. It really is a lot of fun! If you have time to help please contact Keith m: 0412698718.

Term 4 social comp starts next week - ten teams will be having fun or playing serious tennis or having fun & playing serious tennis over the next ten weeks...where is the draw we hear you say?..for those playing, please look out for the separate email coming out very soon! Missed out on getting on the reserve list... give Kate a call on 0413801651 

Sunday social hit

In the survey results people indicated an interest in Sunday social hits. Vice President Robert Breust organised a hit on 10 September - all the courts were full and people had a great time! Thanks Robert (and Denise for helping with the catering). Look out for the next one - a lot of fun to be had by all!

Bubbling on the court surface

We've had the facility manager for Tennis ACT Mike Rethman out and Mike has never seen anything like it before. Mike has suggested putting up signage and asking some tennis facility construction companies for advice. Robert has done exactly that and some advice we have had is that we can drill a hole into each hump and then use a heavy weight to pound each hump down until they are all flat. We will have a go at doing that when the weather warms again. The other option that Robert is investigating is the cost of replacing the affected courts one-by-one with a concrete surface. We'll get some quotes and let you know how we get on. 

In the meantime, the signs are please take care particularly on Courts 2 and 3.


Replacing the clubhouse

In the survey people have again asked us to work on replacing the clubhouse and getting a toilet on site. Well we're pleased to advise that our fifth grant application was submitted on 22 August 2023 and it was really lovely to receive a letter of support from Bungendore High School - the school hired out a court last term for those students who wanted to play tennis for school sport - so good to see! Fingers crossed with our application...if we don't make it this time there's always next time! Big shout out to Eric Martin and his company Eric Martin and Associates for doing a full set of drawings for the clubhouse and facilitating a hydraulics solution for the toilet and waste water aspects of the plan.

Our very skilled RSTA Tennis Coaching family Dave, Sam, Amelia and Marcus continue to deliver great programs for adults and kids alike and the small squad participating in the junior Canberra Tennis League are doing the club proud! Look out for all the familiar programs starting up again next week including Fast4Friday!

Dave has upgraded his quals and Sam and Amelia have both got coaching quals now and Amelia recently was awarded a young leadership award - so we are really really blessed to have such a great family encouraging us to learn and grow our game and have fun on the court! While visiting Celebrations the other day Sharon told us her grandson had an absolute ball at the recent RSTA school holiday program - if you haven't yet watched the TimeWarp dance set on Facebook do yourself a favour!

Positions Vacant:

2024 Term Based Social Comp Organiser 

Make a difference to tennis participation in your community!

- Part time role

- Have lots of fun fun fun!

- Above award rate of pay (volunteer unpaid rate that is 😀)

- Email your expressions of interest to:

- Or contact Kate for more about this fun role m:0413801651

Club Secretary Rosie Windsor successfully completed Tennis ACT's Women in Leadership program - Congrats Rosie!

Yass No Yass No Yass No

Well we're not sure what happened to the friendly match with Yass - it was on and then it was off and then it was nearly on again but then not ...never mind the Palerang Cup is just around the corner (November) and because we are playing for sheep stations we're looking to field our strongest side ever — more about that later!

Big shout out to:

Andy our garden hero who tends to our garden, keeping it looking beautiful whatever time of the year - Thank you Andy! 

Robert for organising for our lights to be fixed after the Corellas took a few out and for also fixing the lock on the gate that had started to malfunction and for looking at how we might fix the bubbling courts. 

The Jeffreys family (very belated - sorry!) - remember the big pile of dirt just next to our new 4th court - well the fairies didn't take it away no.. Will  organised for the huge pile to be taken away at no cost to the club! Thank you!

Without our community minded and extremely generous volunteers we would not have the great place we have to get together, socialise and have fun on the court...THANK YOU ALL!


Happy hitting!

Club Committee